Team Genius

For youth sports clubs across the country, the task of holding effective tryouts is a major pain point. The vast majority of tryouts are managed by volunteers using paper and clipboard and entering the tryout data into a spreadsheet. This manual process is time consuming and makes collaboration and data-driven analysis difficult. This makes it difficult to draw accurate insights to place children on the right team, track player data, and communicate effectively between coaches and parents.
TeamGenius player evaluation software allows youth sports organizations to customize tryouts and focus on key selection criteria of their emphasis. TeamGenius can be run by the coaches and volunteers on a tablet or smartphone at the tryout location or home, with or without an immediate internet connection. After the tryouts, evaluators can configure teams based on their evaluation criterion within minutes. This information can then be shared with parents, so they know how their child performed and to which team and position they have been placed.

Team Genius is a player evaluation software that allows youth sports organizations to customize tryouts and focus on key selection criteria of their emphasis.


Todd Larson


Todd Larson, co-founder and CEO, is a software architect with 23 years of experience in developing web, mobile, and desktop applications. In 1996, Todd joined his first startup as CTO where he spent 9 years developing healthcare decision analytics software. In 2012, Todd began building the earliest versions of TeamGenius’ solution.

Chris Knutson


Chris Knutson, co-founder and CRO (Chief Revenue Officer), is a 2009 graduate of the Entrepreneurship program from the University of St. Thomas. Chris has extensive experience in e-commerce, digital marketing, and product management. Since joining TeamGenius in April 2016, Chris has spearheaded sales and marketing, built and mobilized an inside sales team, and led channel partner development.